British Universities

World Top 100 University Ranking 2021-22

The Times (11)

1   University of Oxford (UK)
2   Stanford University (US)
3   Harvard University (US)
4   California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (US)
5   MIT (US)
6   University of Cambridge (UK)
7   UC Berkeley (US)
8   Yale University (US)
9   Princeton University (US)
10   University of Chicago (US) 

11    Imperial College London (UK)
16 UCL (UK)
27   LSE (UK)
30   Univsrsity of Edinburgh (UK)
35   King’s College London (UK)
51    University of Manchester (UK)

60 서울대학교 (한국)
77   University of Warwick (UK)
91   University of Bristol (UK)
92   University of Glasgow (UK)

96 KAIST (한국)

QS (17)

1   MIT (US)
2   University of Oxford (UK)
=3   University of Cambridge (UK)
=3   Stanford University (US)
5   Harvard University (US)
6   California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (US)
7   Imperial College London (UK)

=8   UCL (UK)
=8   ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
10   University of Chicago (US)

16  University of Edinburgh (UK)
27   University of Manchester (UK)
35   King’s College London (UK)

36 서울대학교 (한국)
41 KAIST (한국)
49  LSE (UK)
61  University of Warwick (UK)
62  University of Bristol (UK)
73  University of Glasgow (UK)

74 고려대학교 (한국)
77  University of Southampton (UK)

79 연세대학교 (한국)
81 포항공대 (한국)
82  Durham University (UK)
90  University of Birmingham (UK)
91   University of St. Andrews (UK)
92   University of Leeds (UK) 95 University of Sheffield (UK)

97 성균관대학교 (한국)

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