Oxbridge, Law & Medicine


Criteria of Assessment for Oxbridge Admissions

•    Interview Performance
•    Academic Achievement
•    Submitted Work
•    School Reference
•    Admissions Test Performance
•    Personal Statement

What Oxbridge Admission tutors are looking for?

•    Academic potential and aptitude for studying the chosen subject. 
•    Intellectual flexibility, clarity of thought, analytical skills and the ability to argue logically. 
•    Genuine enthusiasm for and commitment to the chosen course. 
•    Requires students to be extremely self-disciplined and hard-working. 
•    Successfully balancing school/college work with other commitments (family, work, hobbies) provides evidence of an applicant's time management skills.

The Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA)

TSA Oxford

Economics and Management
Experimental Psychology
Human Sciences
Philosophy and Linguistics
Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
Psychology and Linguistics
Psychology and Philosophy.

TSA Chemistry is a 90-minute test that consists of Section 1 of TSA Oxford only. 

TSA Oxford

Section 1 : Thinking Skills Assessment
Section 2: Writing Task.

TSA Cambridge

Land Economy

TSA Cambridge

Section 1 : Thinking Skills Assessment



European Social and Political Studies (ESPS)


Section 1 : Thinking Skills Assessment

Test Format

Section 1: Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA)

90-minute, 50 multiple-choice questions

Problem-solving skills, including numerical and spatial reasoning. Critical thinking skills, including understanding argument and reasoning using everyday language.

Section 2: Writing Task

30 minutes, Candidates must answer one essay question from a choice of four

The ability to organise ideas in a clear and concise manner, and communicate them effectively in writing. Questions are not subject-specific.

University Admissions Tests

Law - Cambridge Law Test, LNAT

Medical courses - BMAT, GAMSAT, HPAT, UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT)

Mathematics - MAT, STEP

University of Cambridge - Cambridge Online Preliminary Application (COPA), BMAT, MML, STEP, TSA Cambridge, Cambridge Law Test

University of Oxford - BMAT, CAT, ELAT, HAT, LNAT, MAT, MLAT, OLAT, PAT, PHIL, TSA Oxford